Club Presentation Night


We will be hosting the Club's Presentation night on Saturday 2nd November with the club opening at 7:00 pm for an 8:00pm start.

Entry is free and all are welcome to come and celebrate the club's acheivements and also sample the sounds of our resident DJ Eley!

Trophies will be presented for the winners of all of the club competitions, as well as the County winners.

New kit order form

The design of the new club kit has been finalised and we are now in a position to start ordering kit ready for the new season next year.

Forms are available at the club, or you can download a copy here to fill out and return to the club ready to be ordered.

Please note that the club will be paying for one polo shirt and up to £40 towards one outer garment. Any additional value or extra items will need to be paid for by members.


Club Finals Day - Sunday 1st September

This Sunday sees the culmination of our club competitions with our Finals day.

Below is the schedule for the day.


Seniors Cup - C. Skidmore vs P. Gladden - Winner P. Gladden
Oliver Cup - K. Mytton vs P. Jelfs - K. Mytton
Harper Cup - P. Sutton vs J. Wilkinson - Winner P. Sutton 


Palmer Cup - P. Gladden vs N. Eley - Winner N. Eley
Webb Cup - F. Jelfs vs M. Stokes - Winner M. Stokes
Riddell Cup - J. Wilkinson vs P. Jelfs - Winner - J. Wilkinson

Please come along to support all the players involved, and if possible to mark one of the games during the afternoon.

County Champions!

A huge congratulations to Jaimo, Ted, Little Skid and Nougat who won the County Fours title at Banbury Chestnuts on Sunday (28th July).

It was a very close game throughout, but the Adderbury boys pulled ahead in the last few ends to clinch the title.

Well done to all of you, you have done the club proud. Now onto Leamington to compete for the National Fours title starting on August Bank Holiday Monday. Tickets can be purchaesed from here if you would like to come along to support them.